EU Project MyNewGut has gained a lot of attention both in specialized and mainstream media. The project's highlights and the research findings were covered in several EU languages, like English, French, Spanish and German. The links to press articles are reported here below.
Agroinformacion – El experto internacional J. W. Van der Kamp participará en las XXX Jornadas Técnicas de la AETC
Alimente EL Confidencial – El párkinson puede empezar en el intestino. Y la dieta jugaría un papel fundamental by Gonzalo de Diego Ramos
Bioportfolio - Gut Bacteria Could Combat Obesity and Depression
Bloglikes - New gut bacteria may be effective against obesity, metabolic and mental disorders
Dairy Reporter – 30 players, 5-years: EU project investigates obesity, energy and the microbiome (& more) by Shane Starling
Diario Médico - Una bacteria de la microbiota podría proteger de la obesidad (A bacterium from the microbiota could protect from obesity)
El Pais – Los microbios de tu estómago afectan a tu salud mental by Daniel Mediavilla
El Pais – A los microbios del intestino también les afectan los cambios de sueñoby Daniel Mediavilla – Ein von der EU finanziertes Projekt erforscht den Einfluss des Darm–Mikrobioms auf Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden.
Health Europa - Gut microbiota linked to obesity and mental disorders
Knowridge Science Report - Gut bacteria linked to obesity and mental diseases – Junk-Food kann offenbar auch depressiv machen’ (Junk food can obviously also make you depressed) - Gut Bacteria Could Combat Obesity and Depression, by Jonathan Smith - New gut bacteria may be effective against obesity, metabolic and mental disorders
Medical Xpress - Gut microbiota linked to obesity and mental disorders
Medicine news line - New gut bacteria may be effective against obesity, metabolic and mental disorders
News Medical - New bacterial species may help fight obesity and metabolic disorders – Forscher ergründeten, wie Junk–Food depressiv macht (Scientist investigate how junk–food makes you depressive)
Nutraingredients – Big data insights driving funding for EU Microbiome research – MyNewGut Project by Will Chu
Nutraingredients – MyNewGut Project: Do high protein diets exert an influence on gut health? by Will Chu
Nutraingredients – WATCH: “Strain Choice, dose & role are the main probiotic R&D issues” by Will Chu
Nutrition Insight – EU Study: Examining the Role Gut Microbiota Plays in Health
Process Alimentaire – Le projet européen MyNewGut explore la flore intestinale by Amélie Dereuder
Scientific American – How Gut Bacteria Tell Their Hosts What to Eat by Knvul Sheikh
Steiermark – Junkfood macht depressive’ (Junk food is depressing)
The Hindu Times – A Stomach for gut research by Jacob Kosh - 欧盟研究发现新的肠道细菌,可能有效对抗肥胖、代谢和精神障碍 (EU research finds new gut bacteria that may be effective against obesity, metabolism and mental disorders)