Expected Outcomes

1. Expand scientific knowledge to understand:

  • The components of the gut microbiome and the derived metabolites that influence nutrient metabolism and energy balance, favouring a lean phenotype.
  • Interactions between the gut microbiome, the host and lifestyle factors that influence the risk of diet- and brain-related disorders.
  • The gut microbiome’s role in defining risks of diet-related disorders, such as obesity.
  • The gut microbiome’s role in defining risks of brain- related disorders, such as eating disorders.
  • The impact of gut and brain interactions in developmental processes with an impact on child and adult health.
  • The extent to which the gut microbiome is modifiable by dietary interventions.

2. Enhance public health recommendations by:

  • Providing robust scientific evidence that leads to the adoption of new policies for promoting healthy dietary habits and public health.
  • Developing efficient dietary recommendations and health claims to improve the well-being in the general and at-risk population.
  • Responding to EU societal challenges such as active ageing and demographic change by providing early measures to maintain health and reduce disease risk in the long term.

3. Improve industrial innovation and competitiveness by:

  • Providing a multidisciplinary strategy that updates legislative frameworks and boosts industrial innovation.
  • Using knowledge gained from the project to produce innovative food products with potential benefits to consumers’ health.