MyNewGut's Advisory Boards

MyNewGut's consultation boards ensure active involvement of key stakeholders and scientific experts, serving as a discussion platform to consult in different aspects of the project as well as a dissemination resource.

The User Advisory Board and the Innovation Task Force were engaged throughout the project in a strategic manner to ensure that relevant input was considered in the development of new, innovative products (Strategy for Stakeholder Engagement). Amongst others the views of both users and industry participants were considered for specific details as well as for broader considerations on the project:


User Advisory Board


The members of the User Advisory Board (UAB) will offer advice to ensure that all messages are consistent and targeted to the needs of European scientific and public audiences.








Scientific Advisory Board


The members of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) will contribute to enlarge datasets/cohorts handled by MyNewGut partners so as to widen the meta-analyses of pre-existing databases related to lifestyle, nutrition, health and in relation to MyNewGut outputs. The SAB will also ensure that the results of the MyNewGut project are evidence-based and scientifically sound and will offer advice in the methodology and ethical aspects of the project.


Professor John Rawls

Professor John Rawls

Duke University

Expert in host-microbe
interactions in gut systems 

Professeor Garrath Williams

Professor Garrath Williams

University Lancaster

Expert in ethics

Dr Ruben Francis

Dr Ruben Frances

Hospital General Universitario

Expert in ethics of animal studies

Professor Julian Mercer

Professor Julian Mercer

University of Aberdeen

Expert in obesity and
metabolic health

Dr Anthony Leeds 

Dr Anthony Leeds

University of Copenhagen

Visiting Senior Fellow
at the Parker Institute,
Frederiksberg Hospital,


Dr James Versalovic

Dr James Versalovic

Baylor College of Medicine

Principal Investigator of
Microbial Genomics


Industrial Innovation Task Force


The members of the INNO-TF will provide input on the specific needs of the industry and contribute to disseminate project results.


 Danone Nutricia Research

The Gut Biology and Microbiology Platform at Danone Nutricia Research brings together unique expertise in the area of microbiology, genomics, digestive health and medicine to scientifically substantiate current nutritional concepts, bringing new health benefits to the early life nutrition products.


The Kellogg Company are driven to enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that matter. Kellogg's is the worlds leading cereal company; second largest producer of cookies, crackers and savoury snacks; and a leading North American frozen foods company.


 Abbott understands that proper nutrition is the foundation for living the best life possible. The company develops science based nutrition products for people of all ages. Abbott's products help babies and children grow, keep bodies strong and active, and support the unique nutrition needs of people with chronic illnesses - to make every stage of life a healthy one.


The Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries was created in 1977. FIAB gathers approximately 50 organisations and co-ordinates the Spanish participation in the European Technology Food for Life Platform. 

 Healthgrain Forum


The HealthGrain Forum promotes science based concepts, fully unlocking the health promoting potential in the entire grain processing chain to obtain healthy, convenient and appealing foods.  


Advanced Analytical Technologies promotes science based approaches in probiotic innovation. AAT supplies customers with highly qualified analytical services in order to develop products with strong scientific background.

 Biosearch Life

Biosearch Life is a leader in biotechnology with a global
innovative vocation. Present in all the main international
markets within the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and
functional food sectors. Providing a wide range of high
quality products and services, all which revolve around
the concept of a healthy life.


Sensus is a global supplier that offers inspiration for tomorrows health by producing innovative food ingredients inulin and oligofructose. Processed from chicory, these soluble dietary fibres can be applied to create tasty and health food products. Sensus partners with food companies to offer solutions to satisfy various requirements.


Clinical-Microbiomics is a dedicated contract research organisation that offers end to end microbiome research services to academia and industry through sequencing, bioinformatics, customised statistical analysis and much more. Microbiome differences between and health states are also chracterised.


 DNA Genotek develops products that optimise ease of collection, provide superior samples and proven performance for those requiring high quality biological samples for nucleic acid testing.  


Biopolis is a biotech company providing research, development and production services for the agri-food, pharmaceutical, chemical and energy industries.Their main mission is to seek solutions which provide improved food, drugs and cosmetic or chemical processes.



 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Science and Technology Division is looking into how toencourage and foster innovation which addresses health needsand priorities, maximises access to the benefits and managesthe challenges/risks in a way that is beneficial to both innovatorsand health systems.



Capsugel is a global leader in delivering high quality
innovative dosage forms and solutions to healthcare
companies across the world. They are the worlds leading
provider of two piece capsules and an innovator of drug
delivery systems.


DSM Nutritional Products are one of the world's leading suppliers of vitamins, carotenoids and other ingredients in the feed, food, pharmaceutical and personal care industries. The business is organised into three market facing sectors: Animal Nutrition & Health, Human Nutrition & Health and Personal care. 



Herballife is a global nutrition company that sells weight management nutritional supplements and personal care products. They are available to and through dedicated independent Herballife Members in more than 90 countries.


Igen Biolab performs tests and biological determinations
for medical, surgical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and
chemical. It is equipped with the necessary facilities
and laboratories for the study of toxicity,
pharmacology and microbiology.


Labosuan R&D develops both new active ingredients and generic drugs based on those active ingredients to the correct legislation anywhere in the world. Its developments are offered to local laboratories through license and supply agreements, or in specific cases with distribution agreements through its division of finished product.

Winclove probiotics


Winclove Probiotics is a Dutch company specialising in the research, development and production of probiotic food supplements. All products are based on extensive research and developed in close collaboration with clients, research institutes and university hospitals.  


A Danish service provider of metabolomics and lipidomics. MS-Omics offers a range of LC-MS and GC-MS (liquid/gas chromatography mass spectrometry) methods, which in a single biological sample (e.g. blood, food or bacteria) can measure hundreds of metabolites or lipids. This is applied in projects with pharma, biotech and food customers. 


Private company of research and development on metabolism (diabetes and cardiovascular),metabolic syndrome, overweight and abdominal obesity, proteins and peptides, microbiome and gut barrier. LNC develops medical foods and drug candidates and prepares products for market access, including the elaboration of health claims in Europe and other countries. 


Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) is a leading global breakfast cereal company and the maker of Nestlé breakfast cereals, including global favourites such as NESQUIK®,FITNESS®, CHEERIOS® and CHOCAPIC®. With more than 50 brands to suit all ages and lifestyles, CPW strives to make breakfast better with convenient, tasty and nutritious food that helps people start their day in the best possible way.